Add Some Features in WordPress without Plugins


WordPress is a content management system based on php language, which uploads content to the website by WordPress.
If WordPress is allowed to index, then the content written by WordPress in google or bing starts appearing in the search engine.

Select Add Some Feature in WordPress Theme without using any Plugins.

ALT name in IMAGE/thumbnail Click Here | _Addition
Automatic Link Added When Text Copy Click Here
Automatic Thumbnail Click Here
Automatic Thumbnail Image/YouTube Video Click Here
Breadcrumb Click Here
Comment Function Click Here
Contact US form Click Here
Custom Post Type Click Here
Default Sitemap Click Here
Default Sitemap Filter Click Here
Eligible for Upload WebP image Click Here
Like & Dislike Button Click Here
Meta Description With Box | Click Here
Minify CSS Click Here
Open Graph (og) Click Here
Unminify CSS Click Here
Share Button Click Here
Short Code Click Here
Show Ads Before Heading Click Here
Post URL Length Click Here
Popular Post Click Here
Excerpt Length Click Here
Redirect URL in https Click Here
Schema Markup Click Here
Show Specify Category’s Post Click Here
Show Latest Post Click Here
Show Random Post Click Here
Show Related Post/Item Click Here
Sitemap Click Here
Table of Content Click Here
Pagination (next/pre button) Click Here

If You have any other type code so contact me via contact us from. Hope you like this post.