Make DMCA button for Click and Send to Email

Hey! You want to make DMCA button and any buddy click on there then send email. So now use given JavaScript and button code on your WordPress website.

How to Make DMCA button

  • Open website theme and paste button to where you want to show DMCA button.
<button id="dmcaButton">DMCA</button>
  • Now paste JavaScript code on <head> or <footer> section.
var dmcaButton = document.getElementById('dmcaButton');
dmcaButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
var currentUrl = window.location.href;
var subject = encodeURIComponent("DMCA Takedown Notice");
var body = encodeURIComponent(
"Dear ADMIN,\n\n" +
"I am writing to formally request the removal of copyrighted material that appears on your website.\n\n" +
"Original Work: [-----Title or Description with file URL of your original work-----]\n" +
"Infringing Material URL: " + currentUrl + "\n\n" +
"This letter is an official notification under Section 512(c) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). I request that you immediately remove the infringing material or disable access to it.\n\n" +
"Please notify me once the material has been removed.\n\n" +
"Thank you.\n\n" +
"Sincerely,\n" +
"[-----Your Full Name-----]\n" +
"[-----Your Contact Information-----]"
var mailtoLink = "mailto:youremailid@com?subject=" + subject + "&body=" + body;
window.location.href = mailtoLink;
  • Then SAVE this.

Hope this DMCA button and fictionally will work on your theme. Thanks for visiting.