How to put Hindi input Search box in website.

Hindi input search box

If you have created a Hindi website and you want a search box to be in Hindi on your website, then I have a little information, I am going to tell you about it. If you are writing Kaise in English, how will it be typed in Hindi. And for some words you will type the word with the Shift button and some will write Hindi words.


It will only work in computer / laptop’s webpage.

How to do

>> First you open your website and paste the following code between <head> …. </head>.
<script src=''/>
<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>
>> Now you open the layout or you paste the code below where you want the Hindi input  search box with.
<form action="/search" method="get">
<script language="javascript">
document.getElementById("q").style.width = "80%";
document.getElementById("q").style.border= "2px solid red";

<button class="searchbtnform"  type="submit"><i class="fa fa-search"></i></button>
<br />
    <input name="max-results" type="hidden" value="16" />
<input name="by-date" type="hidden" value="true" /> </form>
>> Now Click To SAVE/Apply Button.