How To Disable Right Click on Website | Blogger Blogspot

How To Protect Blog Post Text

Your Blog Post Is Your Hard Work’s Content, You May Save Your Posts You Make on / off  (stop) Copy text Protection for Not Allow To selecting or Disable Right Click for Full Blog/website’s Post Text.

Ok Let’s see How To Do This.

>> Open Your Blogspot Account.
>> Go to theme Then Select Edit HTML.
== Paste this Code Before <b:skin> Tag
<!– disable copy
<!- START disable copy paste –><script type=’text/javascript’> if(typeof document.onselectstart!=&quot;undefined&quot; ) {document.onselectstart=new Function (&quot;return false&quot; ); } else{document.onmousedown=new Function (&quot;return false&quot; );document.onmouseup=new Function (&quot;return false&quot;); } </script><!– End disable copy paste –>

Then SAVE Your Blogger Theme.

if You want to Disable Right click only selected DIV section or matter so click here and view code.