What is Google AdSense and How to Use it.

google adsnesGoogle AdSense made by Google, through which you can earn money by showing ads on your website, or YouTube channel. You can use Google AdSense for free.

Official Website – Click Here

How much revenue will you get –

When you put AdSense ads on your website, you will get up to 65% of the revenue and Google will keep the rest, and if you use it on YouTube, you will get only 55% of the revenue.

Find out more solution of Google AdSense

  1. How to Place AdSense Ads in Website.
  2. How to Place AdSense Ads in YouTube Channel.
  3. How to close or delete AdSense Account.
  4. How to View YouTube Earning Report.
  5. When Receive Money in Bank Account.
  6. How can complete Address Verification.
  7. Add Bank Account details on AdSense Account.
  8. Side Rails Ads.
  9. Add a Google Powered Contextual Navigational Unit.
  10. What Can Do When Not Approve AdSense.

Hope this article helpful for you. If you want to any other  Google AdSense’s help so contact me from Contact US section.