What is DHT? how to control DHT

What is the full form of DHT

The full name of DHT is Dihydrotestosterone, which is a cause of hair loss.

Does eating reduce DHT?

  1. Eating tomatoes, mango carrots, watermelon can prevent DTH from increasing.
  2. Eating almonds, walnuts, peanuts or pumpkin seeds can block DTH.

DHT increases with what you eat

  1. By eating more things made of sugar.
  2. Dht increases by eating things made of flour.
  3. By eating too much oily food.
  4. By eating sugar-free foods.
  5. By using the dairy food that comes in the packet and the drinks that come in the packet like coke, juice etc.
  6. Drinking alcohol and smoking increases DHT.


Can control hair fall?
Yes! when you try these tips in your daily life, defiantly you will be control hair fall.