How to Install Redis on WordPress

You don’t know how to install redis on WordPress. So i tell you how you can install it easily using command and plugins. So now follow steps on Cpanel.

on VPS and Dedicated hosting

1st Step

  1. Open cpanel and open Terminal.
  2. write command yum update then press enter button.
  3. write command yum install redis then press enter button.
  4. write command systemctl start redis then press enter button.
  5. write command systemctl enable redis then press enter button.

2nd step

  • Install redis plugin from WordPress dashboard plugin section.
  • Now enable redis object plugin.

on cloud hosting

1st Step

  • Open SSH or command terminal and paste code for check updates.
sudo apt update
  • Now use this code for install redis step on server.
sudo apt install redis-server
  • Then use sudo nano /etc/redis/redis.conf and see bind if bind have then click ctrl+S button for save. Then ctrl+X for exit editor mode.
  • Use code for restart Apache server.
sudo systemctl restart redis-server
  • Now use code for install redis on server.
sudo apt install php-redis
sudo systemctl restart apache2
  • Then open wp-config.php file add give code there.
define('WP_CACHE', true);
define('WP_REDIS_HOST', '');
define('WP_REDIS_PORT', '6379');
  • Now use sudo systemctl restart redis-server command for restart server.

2nd step

  • Install redis plugin from WordPress dashboard plugin section.
  • Now enable redis object plugin.

This code tested by me and its words perfectly. Hope this will work on your website. Thank for visiting.