Add given code on your website and make copy button for Div Content.
JavaScript Code
// Lyrics Copy Button var EngCopyLyrics = document.getElementById("EngCopyLyrics"); if(EngCopyLyrics) { EngCopyLyrics.addEventListener("click", function() { var elemEng = document.getElementById("spldivPrintLyrics"); var textEnglish = elemEng.innerText; navigator.clipboard.writeText(textEnglish); var EngcopyMessage = document.getElementById("EngcopyMessage"); = "inline"; setTimeout(function() { = "none"; }, 2000); }); }
<button id="EngCopyLyrics" class="lyricsprintbtn"><i class="fa fa-copy"></i><i id="EngcopyMessage" style="display: none;">Copied</i></button>
Additional Code
You want to add automatically post URL on div’s content when anyone click to copy button. So add one more code on JavaScript
var permalink = "\n\nCopied from TheKroyaard : \n" + window.location;
Full code –
// Lyrics Copy Button var EngCopyLyrics = document.getElementById("EngCopyLyrics"); if(EngCopyLyrics) { EngCopyLyrics.addEventListener("click", function() { var elemEng = document.getElementById("spldivPrintLyrics"); var textEnglish = elemEng.innerText; var permalink = "\n\nCopied from TheKroyaard : \n" + window.location; navigator.clipboard.writeText(textEnglish + permalink); var EngcopyMessage = document.getElementById("EngcopyMessage"); = "inline"; setTimeout(function() { = "none"; }, 2000); }); }
Hope this code works perfectly on your website.