Set Important Settings on Blogger Account

blogger-iconSet important setting for SEO purpose and security. And add more information about your website/blog. So let’s start with simple steps .


How to Do

  • Login in Blogger first.
  • Tab threeline menu and click on Settings.
  • Now setup settings one by one.

Title – set blog/website name.

Description – set short information about your website/blog.

Blog language – set language which language you use in post.

Adult content – if you have adult content on your post, So turn on warning button.

Google Analytics Measurement ID – add analytics id there and see your website’s performance.

Favicon – set website logo.

Allow search engines to find your blog – when you want to show your post on search engines then turn on this option otherwise turn off this option.

Custom domain – add custom domain name like – /

HTTPS redirect – turn on this option for making secure page URL.

Enable search description – its most important setting for SEO purpose. If this option in on then automatically showing box in editor post section.

Another settings are important but these are most important settings. Hope this article helpful for you. Have you another doubt so contact-us. Thanks for visiting.