Show Short Message when Click Button | WordPress

When you click on button, And want to show short message but not want to showing alert box. So use given code on your website.

How to Do

  • I share my example code, Hope you can understand and you easily implement with your website’s code . So lets see this-
<i id="HincopyMessage" style="display: none;">☑</i>

<script>var HincopyMessage = document.getElementById("HincopyMessage"); = "inline";
setTimeout(function() { = "none";
}, 2000); </script>
  • Now see my full code when click on button.
<button id="EngCopyLyrics" class="lyricsprintbtn">Copy <i id="EngcopyMessage" style="display: none;"><img draggable="false" role="img" class="emoji" alt="☑" src=""></i></button>
var EngCopyLyrics = document.getElementById("EngCopyLyrics");
if(EngCopyLyrics !=null) {
EngCopyLyrics.addEventListener("click", function() {
var elemEng = document.getElementById("spldivPrintLyrics");
var textEnglish = elemEng.innerText;
var EngcopyMessage = document.getElementById("EngcopyMessage"); = "inline";
setTimeout(function() { = "none";
}, 2000);
} </script>

I pasted above code. You can change or modify time, icon or id. Hope this code helpful for you.